Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A cathedral, a jail, and...a mummified cat

Yesterday we did a bit of touring. We saw inside Christ Church Cathedral, and also visited Kilmainham Jail with our history class (Ireland led numerous rebellions against the British in order to gain their independence...they rebelled and failed each time until they finally won their independence in 1922, but all the leaders in the previous rebellions were thrown in Kilmainham Jail and often executed). On the bright side (literally), it was an absolutely gorgeous day...I even walked around outside without a coat on for awhile :)

Christ Church Cathedral

If you remember, I had posted a picture of Erin and I in front of Christ Church Cathedral in my first post...but it was snowing. Now less than two weeks later, it's sunny and nearly 50 degrees :)

Perhaps you were wondering what the "mummified cat" was all about in my title? According to Christ Church Cathedral, "The one, presumably chasing the other, became trapped in an organ pipe in the 1850s and were mummified. They are referred to in James Joyce's 'Finnegan's Wake' where someone is described as being, '...As stuck as that cat to that mouse in that tube of that Christchurch organ..." I found this to be so hilarious...hopefully you are as amused as I was :)

Inside Kilmainham Jail


  1. It would have taken Oreo a long time to become mumified.....

  2. post something new! i miss you. and, that comment above is pretty funny. ha.
