Monday, January 11, 2010

No pictures...just a story

This morning was a no-fun morning. I kind of remember waking up to my alarm, but must have turned it off. We had our very first class this morning at 10 AM, and Erin and Leanna (my housemates) were leaving at 9, but I unfortunately did not wake up until the girls were walking out the door. Since it took me awhile to wake up, I wasn't too quick to get ready, and left the house around 10 (when class was starting). So I got to the Dart (the train station), and found out that my week long pass that I had recently purchased for 19.50 euro no longer worked. Apparently the "week" ended on Saturday, and I had purchased the pass on Friday...even though I MADE SURE to clarify with the attendant that my pass would work for 7 days and not just until the end of the week. There was no attendant present, so I had to buy a new ticket. The next train didn't come in for 15 min. It started to rain. I finally got on the Dart, rode to my station, and got off, thinking I knew my way...negative. I walked around the city for what seemed like forever and could NOT find the building where my class was being held (the streets are's no simple grid system here. It's like a messed up spider web). It continued to rain...harder. I finally went inside a building to look at my map, which I did not realize until later was a crappy one. The street that I was on was not on my map, and the street that I was looking for was hidden in the crease of the booklet. I was SO confused. I finally found the building, though I'm not quite sure how I did...and trudged up multiple flights of stairs, soaking wet to my classroom. I considered waiting and seeing if there would be a break, but decided against it. I walked through the door, which just happened to be towards the front of the classroom, to have the professor and 60+ students stare at me. Lovely. It was 11 am...and the professor called a break 5 minutes after I sat down. Tragic.

1 comment:

  1. There's always tomorrow ...

    Next time, use the GVSU umbrella.

